3 Common Mistakes Newbie Programmers Should Avoid.

3 Common Mistakes Newbie Programmers Should Avoid.


Comparison is a common human struggle. We look to those around us to assess how we are doing. Perhaps we thought we were ok until we see someone's accomplishment on LinkedIn or GitHub. One dangerous pitfall of comparison is the Lack of authenticity: You struggle to be vulnerable or transparent so no one will know your flaws hence you hinder your own growth.

Do not compare someone's Three years with your own three months. If you must compare at all. compare yourself with your previous version. Move at your own pace and most importantly be consistent.


The World Health Organization defined burnout as "a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.

This, unfortunately is a very real thing, and so common nowadays. It's not something that happens overnight. It builds up quietly inside your mind and body until one day the pressure becomes too much. You must recognize that coding is cognitively intensive. Yes, I get it, you want to become a badass developer and start earning just like those very accomplished developers but you need to remember you need sound health to become one.

It's important you know how to spot the red flags before you reach the point of burnout. In addition, eat well, rest well and exercise well


It's not a very good idea to memorize the syntax or text, It's better to understand the idea, concept or the algorithm behind the code. The best way to get the code stay in your mind is to practice, practice and practice. Try to solve the same problem from scratch with your own code. If you hit the wall, review the sample code. Try again.

These days we have stack-overflow, w3schools and a whole lot of programming language reference guide you generally can search the internet for and pick up the code you are looking for.

Again, You don’t have to memorize everything when it comes to programming. Don't kill yourself. Good programmers do not waste their time memorizing everything. what they do is that that grasp the concepts, read documentations and google correctly to fill in their blanks.

Thanks for reading ❤️

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